Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guests Say the Darndest Things... #3

What Beautiful Eyes
Was helping the ducks when a girl asked Daisy,
Girl 1: "Can I touch your eye?"
To which Daisy shakes her head and covers her eyes for protection. Girl turns to Donald,
Girl 1: "Can I touch your eyes?"
Donald shakes his head.
Girl 2: "Touch them anyway."
Girl 1 starts forward so Donald reaches out his hand to try & touch her eye, she didn't like it too much...
No, you can not touch his eyes!  Do YOU want someone's finger in your eye? I didn't think so.

D. Duck
I was helping Donald and Daisy this evening at a Special Event and a teenage guy comes up excited.  He goes straight to Donald to shake his hand.
Guy: "I am so honored to meet you Daffy.  This is awesome."
Attendant: "This is Donald and Daisy."
Guy: "This is cool, let's take a picture."
After taking a picture he walks away... about 10 minutes later he comes back with a different group.
Guy: "I'm gunna stand by Daffy."
Donald gets upset & walks away throwing his hands up frustrated that the guy keeps calling him Daffy.
Guy: "Hey, I want a picture with you!"
Donald gives up & stands to take the picture.
Guy: "Thanks Daffy, it's so great to meet you, thanks for the picture."
Girl: "That's Donald you idiot!"
Guy (turning back to Donald):  "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!  I thought your name was Daffy... my bad... I now understand why you were upset... Oops."

Yea oops... Come on people!  Donald is white & Daffy is black, Donald has a temper & Daffy has a sense of humor, Donald comes from Disney & Daffy is a Looney Tune!!!  Get them straight people!!!

I hope this clears up the confusion.

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