2017 has been a great year for me! Full of change, goals, travel, and adventure!
The year started a bit rough. I was living in Sanford, FL and not really loving life but trying to find the positive. I found this quote and couldn’t help but think it was very appropriate for where my life was at that moment. It became the driving force of the year and a constant reminder.

Just because things aren’t going my way doesn’t mean I have to dwell on them. You can always find beauty in the situation if you look hard enough. A cactus is a beautiful thing. It just isn’t meant to be used a chair. When you have the wrong approach you will get negative results.
I was also getting ready to move to Arizona, a place I had only visited about 3 times previous. To say I was nervous doesn’t even touch it. But I am so glad that I made that decision, it has definitely blessed my life.
Throughout the year I have moved to Arizona, bought a brand new car, done a solo road trip covering 9 states, went to 4 corners for the first time and was able to see the Grand Canyon, met my goal of attending 25 temples by the end of the year, gone on 3 cruises of which have taken me to Jamaica, Aruba, CuraƧao, Bonaire, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Bahamas. I have made some wonderful new friends and just had an overall wonderful year!
I am looking forward to the adventures that 2018 will bring! I have set goals of attending 10 new temples (1 of which outside the USA), go on 2 cruises (1 is already booked for April!), and walk 1,000 miles!